About ME!!!!!!!!!

Hey Everybody... Myself, Sri I welcome you all to my blog. This is my new found interest...i guess...I was never so interested in cooking , meaning never was willing to put in more than 15 minutes, so whatever happened in that time was gud with me and one day everything changed .....can't complain, had never got time from my school and my projects but as soon as i am done with my school which happened 8 months ago, i discovered that i liked to experiment in the kitchen and was willing to put in more time to dish out exciting dishes....believe me everybody was surprised including me ...my mom, my hubby who once thought i was never into it was so happy about what I'd been cooking of lately.

So, thats about me,,,and why blogging? i should admit, i am so very impressed with the work of all bloggers around the world ...fabulous work..WAY TO GO :) So, back to the question why another blog....i enjoy cooking and i want to put every thing that i prepare in my kitchen here in this blog for me to come back and see where i reached in another 2 years or so and also if some1 wnats to try the recipies,u r welcome.

The Blog is named SPICEBLENDZ because hubby
and myself are in love with all the different spices.

Most of my cooking is what my mom teaches me over the phone( I feel so sorry that i never listened to her when i was home, i love the way my mom cooks and when i would praise her for her cooking then she would be like when would u start cooking like me....here u go mom, ur daughter now cooks)*, mom-in-law and ofcourse my cookbooks...Now most of the foods that you see here would be Indian because i want to experiment as much as i can in this arena before i explore further.........

Enjoy your stay and feel free comment or give in ideas to improve the blog.


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